Industry Use cases of Kubernetes

Expert Session

Ranga Mani kumar
3 min readMar 9, 2021

This is very great session conducted by LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt. Ltd. and Iam really thrilled to get the insights from the experts Rushil Sharma sir, Vijit Kuntal sir and Neeraj Bhatt sir.

I have kept my learnings in the following lines :

  • CVS — Concurrent Versioning System in which we can manage source code and can do commits or changes in centralized system.
  • CVS has central system, for suppose if we do commit it directly commits in the central system or the main code. But git offers you to create own local repo and you can commit whatever you can and its upto you but it doesn’t affect the real code. So you can work on team and every member has their own way and create code and finally we can merge branches.
  • We need different environments in production and it tests the efficiency of code. Because in production you don’t have similar cases everytime.
  • Global Network Manager provides you global load balancing and manages all traffic from internet users and provides you high availability.
  • Chaos testing means testing our production server in worst case and create some issues and how it can survive and how it works.
  • When you want to run the application and initiating it how many CPU you need it and you just provide that many number and it is called CPU request. After the application initiates and running how many CPU do you need and you have to give limit how many it will consume. This is called CPU limit.
  • If you give more CPU limit which actually needs lesser number of CPU and then there would be the CPU leak. Unnecessary usage of CPU.
  • When we put the lower than the request value for CPU then and after that when extra work load comes it Repurpose the limit for CPU and taking extra load.
  • SCC — Security Context Constraints which can control the actions and restrict over the pods that you can do and what are the capabilities you want to provide to run.
  • Namespace means partionining the resources that one set of process can able to use or see some resources while othere dont see some and see or use some resources. This is feature in linux kernel.
  • Grafana is a tool which says how much resources used by the application or by any microservice and it monitors all the services of the application.

Important Point :

Some institutes like Banks in fanancial sector never use server-less resources which are tottally managed by cloud providers because Banks want maximum security that they never want information about their users can be seen by cloud providers. Banks information is very critical and sensitive. So that need to use their own servers and manage it.

Thanks to Rushil Sharma sir, Vijit Kuntal sir, Neeraj Bhatt sir for giving your insights.

Thanks to Vimal sir and Preethi mam


